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These principles have been inherited from Only minor stylistic changes have been made to them.


The goal of Vac is widespread adoption of the decentralised web. Our challenge is achieving mass adoption while staying true to the principles outlined below.

I. Liberty

We believe in the sovereignty of individuals. As a research organisation that stands for the cause of personal liberty, we aim to maximise social, political, and economic freedoms. This includes being coercion resistant.

II. Censorship resistance

We enable the free flow of information. No content is under surveillance. We abide by the cryptoeconomic design principle of censorship resistance. Even stronger, we design agnostic infrastructures for information.

III. Security

We don't compromise on security when building features. We use state-of-the-art technologies, and research new security methods and technologies to make strong security guarantees.

IV. Privacy

Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world. For us, it's essential to protect privacy in both communications and transactions, as well as pseudo-anonymity. Additionally, we strive to provide the right of total anonymity.

V. Transparency

We strive for complete openness and symmetry of information within the organisation, and have no border between our core contributors and our community. We are frank about our shortcomings, especially when making short-term tradeoffs in service of our long-term goals.

VI. Openness

The software we create is a public good. It is made available via a free and open-source licence, for anyone to share, modify, and benefit from. We believe in permissionless participation.

VII. Decentralisation

We minimise centralisation across both the software and the organisation itself. In other words, we maximise the number of physical computers composing the network, and maximise the number of individuals who have control over the system(s) we are building.

VIII. Inclusivity

We believe in fair and widespread access to our software, with an emphasis on ease of use. This also extends to social inclusivity, permissionless participation, interoperability, and investing in educational efforts.

IX. Continuance

We create software incentivised to continue to exist and improve without the stewardship of a single entity or any of the current team members.

X. Resourcefulness

We are relentlessly resourceful. As we grow and have ready access to capital, it is our obligation to token holders to fight bureaucracy and inefficiencies within the organisation. This means solving problems in the most effective way possible at lower economic costs (in terms of capital, time, and resources).