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Vac Research

Vac Research conducts innovative exploration within the IFT. Embedded within R&D service units, we ensure the work remains practical and relevant to IFT projects. Rather than focusing on academic publications, we aim to actively bridge theory and practice. Vac collaborates with IFT projects to implement our research findings, and identifies and initiates new incubator projects, translating our research into real-world applications.

Vac research spanns multiple R&D service units, primarily ACZ and P2P. Key focus areas of Vac Research include zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) and their applications, libp2p gossipsub improvements, and anonymization networks. By maintaining close ties with various teams, we drive innovation and practical advancements across the IFT ecosystem. In the realm of ZKP, Vac Deep Research has made contributions that have given rise to the incubator project Nescience.