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Vac R&D Service Units

Vac's R&D Service Units play a crucial role in supporting IFT projects. In addition to providing expertise, resources, and technical guidance, they also develop software artefacts, such as nim-libp2p and zerokit.


The P2P R&D Service Unit is a vital part of Vac, specialising in peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies. The P2P unit develops nim-libp2p, works on improving the libp2p gossipsub protocol, and assists projects with the integration of P2P network layers. The P2P unit collaborates closely with Vac Deep Research to conduct research aimed at enhancing libp2p gossipsub. By focusing on advancing P2P technologies, the P2P unit contributes to the overall improvement and efficiency of decentralised networks, enabling seamless decentralised communication within IFT projects and beyond.

Token Economics (TKE)

The Vac Token Economics Unit is dedicated to assisting IFT projects in designing their token economies, incentives, and markets. TKE's collaboration with IFT project teams is intensive and occurs on a day-to-day basis, where TKE not only responds to their needs but also proactively drives the conversation forward by suggesting new ideas and strategies based on TKE's research. The team brings together a broad spectrum of skills and knowledge, ranging from the modelling of dynamic systems to theoretical modelling and general cryptoeconomics.

Distributed Systems Testing (DST)

The Distributed Systems Testing (DST) R&D Service Unit is responsible for developing distributed systems testing software. DST's primary objective is to assist IFT projects in understanding the scaling behaviour of their nodes within larger networks. By conducting thorough regression testing, the DST unit helps identify potential bottlenecks and performance issues, ensuring the reliability and stability of the projects. The DST unit's expertise in distributed systems testing enables IFT projects to deliver scalable and resilient solutions that can withstand the demands of real-world decentralised applications.

Quality Assurance (QA)

The QA Service Unit is dedicated to supporting IFT projects through the development and execution of comprehensive test plans. Primary responsibilities include implementing unit tests and interoperability tests to ensure seamless integration and functionality across systems.

The QA unit plays a crucial role in the verification of project implementations. By rigorously testing project implementations against defined specifications, QA ensures that all functionalities align with the project's requirements. QA's proactive approach to identifying and reporting bugs ensures that any issues are addressed promptly, enhancing the overall quality and reliability of the software. Through meticulous testing and quality assurance processes, the QA Service Unit ensures that IFT projects deliver robust and high-performing software solutions.

Smart Contracts (SC)

Vac's Smart Contracts Service Unit specialises in the development, maintenance, and auditing of smart contracts for IFT projects. The SC unit ensures that all smart contracts are robust, secure, and aligned with project requirements. SC designs and develops smart contracts tailored to the specific needs of IFT projects, ensuring they function as intended and are up-to-date with any project changes or requirements. The unit's thorough auditing process involves meticulously reviewing smart contracts to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the highest standards of security and reliability.


With the IFT's extensive use of the Nim ecosystem, the Nim Service Unit focuses on the development and maintenance of Nim tooling and core libraries essential for IFT projects. The Nim unit works on critical tools in the Nim ecosystem, including the Nim compiler, Nimble (package manager), and nim-suggest, ensuring they are efficient, reliable, and up-to-date. The Nim unit further plans to maintain core libraries developed by IFT, such as Chronos. The mandate of the Nim unit also includes providing support to IFT projects regarding the use of Nim, identifying and addressing specific project needs and demands related to the Nim ecosystem.

Applied Cryptography & ZK (ACZ)

The Applied Cryptography & ZK R&D Service Unit focuses on cryptographic solutions and zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. ACZ provides valuable assistance to IFT projects by offering expertise in employing ZK proofs and implementing cryptographic techniques. The ACZ unit specialises in areas such as employing noise protocol channels and other cryptographic-related aspects. By leveraging cutting-edge cryptographic technologies, ACZ enhances the security, privacy, and trustworthiness of Logos projects, contributing to the overall integrity and resilience of the decentralised web ecosystem. ACZ develops zerokit and stealth-address-kit.


The Vac RFC unit serves as a vital cornerstone in the IFT, taking on the responsibility of shepherding and editing specifications for IFT projects. By meticulously crafting and overseeing these specifications, the Vac RFC unit acts as a linchpin for ensuring standardised and interoperable protocols within the IFT ecosystem The RFC unit's expertise and attention to detail contribute to a cohesive and collaborative environment, facilitating seamless integration and advancement of decentralised technologies throughout the IFT and beyond.